
Gini feature importance for RankLib random forest:

Ranklib provides a feature manager that generates feature use statistics. This only provides the frequency of each feature used in the learning to rank model to identify which feature contributes more in the model. The importance or efficacy of the feature, however, might not be correlated with its frequency.

Gini importance of a feature is, on the other hand, more commonly used and accepted in learning to rank researches as the criterion of the most affective features.

How to Use


You will need python3 to run this code. The model used in this code is created by ranklib-2.1 or higher versions.

You can run the code in terminal by putting the inputs in the same order as below:

python Gini.py <num_features> <path_to\training_data> <path_to\RF_model> <trees directory> <output_file>

An example with the dataset and model provided in this repository:

python Gini.py 67 train_data.txt model.txt trees gini.txt

This program is also tested on MQ2008 from the LETOR 4.0 dataset.

Input Description

Laboratory for Systems, Software and Semantics (LS3), Toronto Metropolitan University, ON, Canada